Get your first bite to forever with Ross Paris Cakes 💖. As we join The Wedding Library's #MayForever Briddal Fair this May 6, 7 & 8 at the Megatrade Hall , SM Megamall and
We offer free cake tasting and cake samplers. Enjoy up to 20% off discount and free delivery for all on-the-spot bookings.

Get 10% OFF ON ALL Ross Paris Cakes products FOREVER!
*can be used for succeeding ross paris cakes orders
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only if you book them at The Wedding Library's #MayForever Bridal Fair
Promo is exclusive to The Wedding Library's bridal fair 2022 only
*Promo subject to supplier's discretion
Register now for FREE ENTRANCE at http://www.weddinglibrarybridalfair.com.ph/register #twlbridalfair #MayForeverBridalFair